“Bald Eagle Fight”
For over forty years Jim has enjoyed the nature of Wyoming. Born and raised in the country of the Teton Mountains, Devil’s Tower, and the grea
High Plains, he’s never been in want of something to photograph. With his first camera, a Kodak Browning given to me by parents for his eleventh birthday, instilled a higher love for nature and photography. It started with his father, who taught him of the behavior and habits of wildlife. Throughout his youth, countless hours were spent in the Wyoming wilderness hunting, fishing, tracking, and photographing nature.
After starting a family, Jim spent several years working through the day and taking photography classes at night. While working for the U.S. Department of Agriculture as an animal damage control specialist, Jim was able to study under some of the top men in the field on wildlife behavior. Currently he continues to pursue the nature he loves, and extending his knowledge in the art of photography.
Some of Jim’s accolades include:
2007 Nature Conservancy Finalist
2008 Nature’s Best Publications
2009 North American Nature Photgrapher Assoc. Tier II winner
2010 BBC Wildlife Photographer of the Year Finalist
2010 Windland Smith Rice Wildlife Photographer Finalist
2011 National Wildlife Federation Calendar Photographer

“Coastal Grizzly”